Friday, April 9, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 caught me off guard, i thought the book was going to be able firemen putting fires out not starting them. Also, the plot of this book is very similar to the plot of the movie Book of Eli. In both plots the earth was falling apart and a man was trying to save a book or books. Both the main characters had to memorize a book and both were in the bible, and they did it to rebuild society after it fell from war. I really liked this book, was very interesting.


  1. I also thought the book would be about firemen putting out fires if anything, not about them starting fires. I thought it was interesting to try to view the world in the time when they start fires and put them out, it would be so different!

  2. I agree that the storyline was unexpected. Who would think firefighters were starting fires.

  3. I was also shocked at the storyline. Before starting the book I thought that the firefighters were going to be using books to start fires that they would be using for training purposes. Do you think there would be as many people in the firefighting profession if this is what their job description was?
