Thursday, April 22, 2010

final blog

I feel our future looks like its going in the wrong direction i dont know if it will ever get as bad as it is in our novels we read. But i think that microchip they were talking about in that video we watched in class, might become popular and will be used by many. And if that is used who knows what will develop from that. I think we need to listen to the warnings these authors are proposing and many of the problems arisen from the advancements in technology and now days technology is always advancing in our society. So, we might be in some problems if technology isnt used for the right reasons.


  1. I agree that somday that mircochip will be put to use. It's a scary thought to think that may happen to us someday. We rely on technology so much anymore, we can't function without it.

  2. I agree that the technology is becoming so advanced... maybe too advanced. Im not sure how to take this microchip as to whether i like it or not..

  3. I also agree that technology is changing our society. Although it is not as bad as it is in some of the books I feel that one day it's going to be and thats kind of scary.
