Thursday, April 22, 2010

final blog

I feel our future looks like its going in the wrong direction i dont know if it will ever get as bad as it is in our novels we read. But i think that microchip they were talking about in that video we watched in class, might become popular and will be used by many. And if that is used who knows what will develop from that. I think we need to listen to the warnings these authors are proposing and many of the problems arisen from the advancements in technology and now days technology is always advancing in our society. So, we might be in some problems if technology isnt used for the right reasons.
When i was doing our last writing assigment, i was thinking about how their society is in Fahrenheit 451 and how different it is from our society. I feel its not too much different like the book talks about how everyone just likes watching tv on tv's the size of walls and everyone speeds around their cars. That sounds a lot like our country right now. Theres a difference with the fact that they have firemen that start fires then put them out and they light books on fire. But, some people in our society i feel wouldnt even notice if books were gone and i feel that is horrible.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fahrenheit 451 part 2

I liked Fahrenheit 451 a lot, the plot was very interesting. In the beginning it felt like it was just Montag against everyone when Clarisse was killed. But then later on in the book he found the group of people who had the same passion for books as him called the "book lovers". The group and him carefully picked books that they thought would be important to rebuild society and they memorized them and then in the end they actually had to go back to the city to rebuild it from the ground up. The book was very exciting and intense for me. I really liked this book a lot.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

Fahrenheit 451 caught me off guard, i thought the book was going to be able firemen putting fires out not starting them. Also, the plot of this book is very similar to the plot of the movie Book of Eli. In both plots the earth was falling apart and a man was trying to save a book or books. Both the main characters had to memorize a book and both were in the bible, and they did it to rebuild society after it fell from war. I really liked this book, was very interesting.